Archive for the cine Category

Frases de Marlon Brando

Posted in celebridades, cine, frases célebres en Inglés with tags , , on octubre 1, 2008 by edmolin657
Quotes By Marlon Brando“An actor’s a guy who, if you ain’t talking about him, ain’t listening.”

“He never wondered, he never doubted. His ego was very secure. And he had the kind of brutal aggressiveness I hate. I’m afraid of it. I detest the character.”
— On the character Stanley Kowalski in “A Streetcar Named Desire”

“The only thing an actor owes his public is not to bore them.”

“I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender.”
— Marlon Brando in “On the Waterfront”

“Food has always been my friend. When I wanted to feel better or had a crisis in my life, I opened the icebox.”

“I’m not interested in making an assessment of myself and stripping myself for the general public to view.”

“I think I would have liked to be a caveman, a Neolithic person.”

“Too much success can ruin you as surely as too much failure.”

“I know it can be hard for a troubled kid like (James Dean) to have to live up to sudden fame and the ballyhoo Hollywood created around him. I saw it happen to Marilyn (Monroe) and I also knew it from my own experience. In trying to copy me, I think Jimmy was only attempting to deal with these insecurities, but I told him it was a mistake.”

“I fashioned myself into the protector of weaker things.”

“If I hadn’t been an actor, I’ve often thought I’d have become a con man and wound up in jail.”

“I did my best to tear the school apart and not get caught at it. I wanted to destroy the place. I hated authority and did everything I could to defeat it by resisting it, subverting it, tricking it and outmaneuvering it. I would do anything to avoid being treated like a cipher.”
— Of his tenure at Shattuck Military Academy in Minnesota

“Acting is an illusion, a form of histrionic slight of hand, and in order to carry it off, an actor must have intense concentration. Before I go into a scene, I study it, almost psychoanalyze it. Then I discuss it with the director and then rehearse it. When actual shooting commences, I put in earplugs to screen out the extraneous noises that inevitably prick at one’s concentration.”
— From a 1970s interview with Playboy magazine

“With so much prejudice, racial discrimination, injustice, hatred, poverty, starvation and suffering in the world, making movies seemed increasingly silly and irrelevant.”

“I love the wind! When I die, I’m going to be part of it!”

Quotes About Marlon Brando

“We are all Brando’s children.”
— Jack Nicholson

“He was deeply rebellious against the bourgeois spirit, the over-ordering of life.”
— Elia Kazan

“Unsmiling American leading actor whose prototype is the primitive modern male.”
 — Film historian and buyer for the ITV Network, Leslie Halliwell

“His features are an odd combination of sensitivity and brutality.”
— Film critic, author and documentary filmmaker, Richard Schickel

“The younger generation responds to (Brando’s) honesty and his obvious agony. Older generations, brought up on the notion that movie heroes should be romanticized and idealized males, remain disconcerted by the phenomenon of Brando. Perhaps they see too clearly in him the failures of the world they made.”
— Richard Schickel

“As a movie actor he has no peer in this generation. That he consistently underplays, yet still packs more emotion into a scene than anyone else, is a sign of a charisma that may be an act of God.”
— Richard Schickel

“What added to Brando’s mystique went beyond his leather clad pose in “The Wild One” and his authoritative rasp in “The Godfather” – his obsessive need for privacy, his activism on behalf of Native Americans, and his ability to turn the tables on a Hollywood that would just as soon turn him into a product as indulge his artistic leanings would be parroted by scores of bad boy actors in his wake.”
— Variety magazine’s 2005 centennial issue naming Brando one of the top-10 icons of the century

“He has altered the way we think of acting.”
— Critic and author David Thomson

“If Stanislavsky’s writings became the bible for anyone serious about digging deep for a character’s essence, then Brando became the poster boy for The Method.”
— Variety magazine

“No actor of my generation has possessed greater natural gifts; but none other has transported intellectual falsity to higher levels of hilarious pretension.”
— Writer Truman Capote

“An angel as a man, a monster as an actor.”
— Italian writer-director Bernardo Bertolucci

“He was in a unique position. He could have done anything. But he didn’t choose to.”
 — Actor Rod Steiger

“So real was his portrayal of the boorish Stanley Kowalski (in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’) that people confused the man with the role – as they did throughout his career, especially with brooding or rebellious characters.”
— The Los Angeles Times 

“In the early 1950s, movie stars were expected to be models of glamour when they appeared in public. Brando went around in T-shirts and bluejeans. The Hollywood establishment did not quite know what to make of Brando. It never did.”
— The New York Times

“If you consider the people who are myths in their own lifetime – people like James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley – he was certainly in that rank. And just to have survived that kind of life to be 80 years old is pretty remarkable. He was a tough guy.”
— Director Andrew Bergman, for whom Brando appeared in “The Freshman”

“Through his own intense concentration on what he is thinking or doing at each moment he is on the stage, all our attention focuses on him.”
— Stage critic Harold Clurman in 1948

“(Marlon Brando was) more than a uniquely gifted and influential actor. He was also an aroused citizen with broad social perspectives. Generous with his friendship and candid personal insights, he was an endlessly entertaining good neighbor. Annette (Benning) and I will miss him very much.”
— Warren Beatty. 

“There’s no one before or since like Marlon Brando. The gift was enormous and flawless, like Picasso. Brando was a genius who was the beginning and end of his own revolution….You didn’t rush him. He had a tremendous gift just in his stillness. I was in high school when I saw ‘The Wild One.’ He changed my life forever…a monumental artist….There was no way to follow in his footsteps. He was just too large and just too far out of sight. He truly shook the world, and his influence will be there long into the future.”
— Jack Nicholson 

“Transplanted to Hollywood from the Broadway stage, his potent and many-sided talent exploded on the screen and presaged a revolutionary new style in movie-acting.”
 — LIFE magazine

“Nobody, nothing, no amount of money can make him behave. He’s got to be his own master, even though he may not yet have mastered himself.”
— The New York Times, 1954

“He is the most dynamic actor of his generation, whose career is periodically renewed by performances of magnetic power.”
— Author and critic Stephen H. Scheuer.

“Even with naturalistic film actors like Spencer Tracy or Jimmy Stewart, audiences knew they were watching rehearsed make-believe. Brando occasionally slouched, scratched, mumbled and looked around the room; it seemed the camera was capturing not a performance, but human behavior. His nasal, sometimes halting rhythms gave the impression that he was inventing his dialogue on the spot.”
— Variety magazine

“Marlon Brando (was a) rebellious prodigy who electrified a generation and forever transformed the art of screen acting. (He was) a truly revolutionary film presence who strode through American popular culture like lightning on legs….Simply put, in film acting, there is before Brando, and there is after Brando. And they are like different worlds. Virtually all of the finest male stars who have emerged in the last half-century, from Paul Newman to Warren Beatty to Robert De Niro to Sean Penn, contain some echo of Mr. Brando’s paradigm.”
— The New York Times

 “Marlon Brando has finally connected with a character and a film that need not embarrass America’s most complex, most idiosyncratic film actor.”
— Critic Vincent Canby, on Brando’s role in “The Godfather.”

“He was inquisitive about everything and informed about many topics – physics, Shakespeare, philosophy, chess, religion, music, chemistry, genetics, scatology, psychology, shoe making, and whatever else he might suggest we discuss.”
— Robert Lindsey, collaborator with Brando on his autobiography. 

“Marlon Brando had an innate shrewdness, finding ways to do things better than everyone else. One of the great tragedies is that Brando never developed his tremendous potential. He really was the godfather to young actors coming up in the seventies and even today. He was the guy, really, more than (Laurence) Olivier, or anybody.”
— Actor Robert Duvall, who appeared with Brando in “The Case,” The Godfather” and “Apocalypse Now”

“Brando acted with an empathy and an instinctual understanding that not even the greatest technical performers could possibly match.”
— Sir Laurence Olivier.

In “The Wild One,” “Brando played Johnny, the leader of a motorcycle gang that ran roughshod over the residents of a small town. Brando’s role as the swaggering, leather-clad biker solidified his place as the prototypical rebel. In response to the line, ‘Hey, Johnny, what are you rebelling against?’ Brando’s retort, ‘Whaddya got?’ was seen as an alarming sign of the times.”
— The Los Angeles Times

His character “Could only feel it, act it out, be ‘The Wild One’ – and God knows how many kids felt, ‘That’s the story of my life.’”
— Critic Pauline Kael

On Brando as “Stanley Kowalski” in “A Streetcar Named Desire”:
“Astonishing….There had never been such a display of dangerous, brutal male beauty on an American stage – its influence can still be felt, in fashion photography and sport as well as acting.”
— Critic and author David Thomson

 “Every word seemed not something memorized but the spontaneous expression of an inner experience – which is the level of work all actors strive to reach.”
— Elia Kazan

Shirley Temple (posters)

Posted in celebridades, cine with tags , , , on septiembre 13, 2008 by edmolin657

Galeria de fotos de Liza minnelly

Posted in celebridades, cine, galeria de fotos with tags , on septiembre 12, 2008 by edmolin657

